Home Harsh Truths You Need To Hear (For Self-Care)
Home Harsh Truths You Need To Hear (For Self-Care)

Harsh Truths You Need To Hear (For Self-Care)

When they say that the truth hurts, it’s so true. 

But oftentimes, we push them away because we fear being reminded of a dark part in our life, or we’re too stubborn to own up to our mistakes.

Although there are more reasons that are just as valid, these were the main things I observed with myself whenever someone tries to confront me with something questionable. Perhaps because of that, it taught me to be a straightforward person whilst respecting others’ boundaries.

Harsh truths lead to moments of self-reflection. Leave me with my solitude to realize how to approach things differently or how to improve my well-being. Thus, it’s a part of my self-care routine since this pandemic began.

Self-care is important, and you know that. So let me help you out for a bit by giving you some harsh truths I’ve learned to accept in order to become a better version of yourself day by day.

Disclaimer: I’m not an expert. This is based on my experiences.

1. If they harm your peace, don’t engage with them anymore.

Quite redundant, but your peace is sacred. Protect it at all costs, and if you lose people, then so be it. Plus, some people thrive if you keep reacting to their bad comments. Don’t even bother, and leave them be.

2. Stop romanticizing what could’ve been and remind yourself why things turned out that way. 

Not necessarily in relationships, but lingering in the fantasy of the what-ifs for too long will take away your focus in the now. Past is past, so fix whatever remains while you still can.

3. Not everyone thinks or handles things and situations the same way as you do.

Your way is not the only nor the best way. Millions of people live different lives and follow different ideals, so always keep an open mind and learn from them even.

4. Not everyone is going to like you, so might as well do whatever you want to do.

Easier said than done, but being too consumed by how others view drains your energy. You become an overthinker and afraid of taking risks because of what others will say. But honestly, they’re just small-minded and bitter that you are capable of more things than them.

5. Don’t rely on motivation alone to achieve your goals.

This temporary push you gain from watching talks or content from your friends won’t be enough to fuel you. Thus, discipline is another factor that needs to play a part. Because the moment that push begins to fade, your mind has gotten used to it. Slowly, you’ll get used to it and inch yourself closer to accomplishment.

━━ Written By Marielle Balmores  

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