These LGBTQ+ books by Filipino authors should be on your reading list

Jan 16, 2022 0 comments

Pride Month might have ended but hey, there’s still more than enough time to celebrate it or to spend educating yourself LGBT+ community. 

If you happen to be a bookworm in search of a new tale to fill your imagination with, here’s a list of local LGBT+ books that you can read!

Aura: The Gay Theme in Philippine Fiction in English, edited by J. Neil C. Garcia

Aura is an anthology of poems, essays, and works of fiction that center on the LGBT+ theme. Authors included in Aura include Nick Joaquin, Jose Garcia Villa, NVM Gonzalez, and Edith L. Tiempo. 

Closet Queeries by J. Neil C. Garcia

Closet Queeries is a collection of essays that aim to answer some of the most common questions regarding the LGBT+ community. 

Can a person be gay and Catholic? Is homosexuality inborn or learned? How do gays feel about growing old? These are just some of the questions J. Neil C. Garcia hopes to answer with his book. 

He’s Dating the Transgender by Art Sta. Ana

He’s Dating the Transgender follows the story of couple Art Sta. Ana, a straight guy, and Trixie Maristela, a transgender woman, who’re dating in real life. Published by Anvil Publishing, it’s a tale of the joys, pains, and the ultimate truth that, as Lin-Manuel Miranda once said it, love is love is love. 

Riverrun: A Novel by Danton Remoto

Coming-of-age experiences aren’t always the easiest to go through. Much less in the middle of a dictatorship. But that’s what the main character in Riverrun has to go through in the narrative, which is actually a clever mix of flash fiction, poetry, and other forms of writing. 

Know of any other local books on the LGBT+ community? Share it with us and everyone else in the comments! 

━━ Written By  Bella Javier

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